Camden County Smartphone Shutterbugs

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Program Type:

Technology Class

Age Group:

Adults (Ages 19+)
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details


"Join us as we explore a smartphone's camera function, including editing. Photo subjects will feature fall and winter, grids and lighting, perspective, black and white vs color, and horizontal vs vertical."

Photographers of all skill levels are invited to join the Camden County Library Smartphone Shutterbugs. This is an adult program for ages 18 and up. We will meet on the second Thursday of the month from 10 to 11 am. Membership is open to local amateur photographers wanting to improve their skills, share their work, and exchange tips for taking better pictures using their smartphones. Prior experience is not necessary to attend. The only equipment you will need is a smartphone with a camera. 



Photo Disclaimer

Adults and children may be photographed or video-recorded by Library Staff or their representatives during Library activities. The images may be used, without accompanying personal identification, in Library brochures, flyers, posters, web pages, newsletters, news releases, social media posts, or other promotional materials. Please notify staff PRIOR to the event if you don't want to be photographed or recorded.