Age Group:
Adults (Ages 19+)Program Description
Event Details
Love books, but having trouble finding just the right one? Don't know exactly what your favorite genre is? Maybe we can help.
Join us at Osage Beach Library on Friday, February 7th, where we will examine and rate several different genres of books, speed dating style! You may rate a book of your choice according to attractiveness, personality, and compatibility. Then switch to a new genre when the bell rings.
This program is meant for adults aged 19+. However, seniors are also welcome for this fun night, Friday, February 7th, after hours, 6:30-8:00 at the Osage Beach Library.
What to expect:
I. Explanation, hand out and snacks
II. Brief introductions
a. name
b. age
c. where from
III. Speed "dating" at separate tables.
Participants will have 7 minutes to read a little of each genre. A bell will ring, and participants will switch tables to be introduced to a book of another genre.
IV. Participates may remain to visit with other patrons and check out books of their liking if they desire.
Food Allergies
We cannot guarantee that food served at this program has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.
Photo Disclaimer
Adults and children may be photographed or video-recorded by Library Staff or their representatives during Library activities. The images may be used, without accompanying personal identification, in Library brochures, flyers, posters, web pages, newsletters, news releases, social media posts, or other promotional materials. Please notify staff PRIOR to the event if you don't want to be photographed or recorded.